



Mail List




100% of donations go toward improving and promoting BNL

Current fundraising objective:
BNL Bumper Stickers

Thank you for visiting the official music website of Murfreesboro, TN.

Please tell a friend...

Band Pic of the Week:


Rutherford Exchange

Local Musical News:

JAZZ? Click here.

BANDS: To submit your calendar, first fill out the application (if you have not done so already) and email me the calendar. I will post it! It is as simple as that.

03/10/04 - The calendar posting method is under a few slight changes. Please read emails that will explain the new process.

01/02/04 - All bands and fans are encouraged to participate in the review section. Fans can submit show reviews for their favorite bands to see. All of this, as always, is free of charge.

Click here for the Local News archives

BNL Contents:

Bands page:

A listing of all bands enrolled in BNL

Shows page:
Listing of local band shows
Links page:
A listing of links BNL supports
Application page:
Enrollment application for BNL
Special Announcements:

For Fans:
Boro Night Life is here for you. We list shows of local bands. Please join the mailing list the receive weekly emails about local shows. Please support the website through a donation. Any amount is GREATLY appreciated. Also, feel to review a show or website that you see by using the review page. Bands value your feedback. Email me with any questions or comments. Thanks for stopping by.

For Bands:
Join BNL by filling out the application. You can then post your calendars on Boro Night Life and get more exposure.

Boro Night Life is in the process of changing servers, and updating the website. As this process takes place, there may be a few brief lapses in availability. Moreover, all pages may not match each other. Please be patient. We are redesigning BNL to better serve you.

03/10/04 - Be on the look-out for the new article in the Rutherford section of The Tennessean. It should be published soon.
BNL is in the process of transferring servers. There will be a redirect present for at least six months. So, don't worry if you miss out on the email announcing the transfer.

Did you know that BNL is reaching its 1 year birthday this month? 1 year and almost 2000 hits... that is great, but we can do better the second year. Tell all your friends about BNL. We are helping the Murfreesboro area to improve its night life!

Have you used any features of BNL? There are many at your disposal. Tell A Friend... Fan Reviews... Show Postings... and a few more. USE THEM!

01/02/04 - Thanks to all the support that BNL is received from local bands. However, there can always be more. Tell your fans, at your shows, to check out the site. You can get valuable feedback from them too.

Bands, please send in any press releases, or such material, if you would like information posted on BNL. We would be happy to send out information on your band, in an effort to create a community of artists and fans.

Click here for the Announcement archives

Booking page:
Infomation on LeachBooking, a division of BNL
A listing of some local venues
Mail List page:
Sign up for the BNL mailing list
For assistance with web-related questions/problems
Mutually Supported Music Sites:

Boro Night Life supports, and is supported by, these sites. Please take a moment to check it out!

Directory of bands, venues, and music services in East Tennessee

Based out of Nashville, a website that strongly supports local music

Website maintained by Shane C. Leach. All information and images property of BoroNightLife. No material may be copied without permission.

Updated: 03/17/03 @ 12:01A


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