11/13/03 - As you can see, I have updates a quite a few things about BNL. There is an added section, "Reviews", which features the ability for ANYONE to review a show, band, or website. This, I feel, would be more relevant than designated people doing reviewing. Please, feel free to post thoughts on the last show you saw.
Also, I have changed the color scheme slightly. Not as drastic as last time, though. Finally, there is some added info about a few bands on the Bands page. If you would like more info listed about your band, for venues, please contact me.
11/06/03 - Today The Rage has published the article about BNL! Check it out. I would like to thank any visitors for coming. Please sign up for the mailing list (if you are a fan) or fill out the application (if you are a venue or band). This will let you stay connected with the community. Also, please speak your mind on the Message Board. Thanks for all the support!
10/28/03 - Why use Leachbooking? Check the rates... you won't find better!
10/27/03 - Boro Night Life would like to know your support for a local, weekly jazz show. Also, if you are a jazz band, please sign up through the application.
This show would feature bands on a rotating basis. The cycle would depend on how many bands there are interested.
If you know a jazz player, send them my way.
Click here for info on the Jazz show
10/21/03 - 88.3 WMTS has been asked to show support for BNL. Email them to show some encouragement.
10/13/03 - The Booking section of BNL has been redesigned. I doubt there will be many complaints with the new rates, or system of payment. However, please contact me if you have questions or comments.
10/07/03 - Boro Night Life's show calendar has reached new heights. If you have not checked it out recently, do so! There are not many other websites in the area with such a listing! Thanks for the support. But, remember that fans must come to this website for it to benefit the bands. Tell your fans, and a friend.
10/03/03 - Congratulations to Entropy64! They made the Top 100 list on the UK's division of MP3.com! Check out their music today @ www.mp3songs.org.uk!
Check out the plethora of shows on the Shows page. Bands are sending in calendars left and right! The variety is great.
08/08/03 - Bands, please send in your calendars today! Publication emails are sent out Sunday night around 10PM. Local music fans? Check out the new sections of Boro Night Life, now listed to the right of this column. Thank you for visiting.